Thursday, February 4, 2010

Outta here in the nick of time...

Posted by Avram Freedberg

No, it’s not ‘cause of the forecast snow storm. It’s my crazy female trainer. She told me she wants to castrate (geld) Hear the Footsteps and Cricky’s GoldenEyes. She’s scaring me. So, I’m getting outta here PRONTO! It’ll be hard for her to find me unless she’s in cahoots with Mr. S., our tour leader. Who knows… maybe I haven’t given enough to Mr. S’s favorite charity. I’d better be very careful.

Here are photos of the elder Ahvee and the younger Ahvee as well as Cricky’s GoldenEyes. Enjoy! Please don’t tell Linda where to find me?!


Avram C. Freedberg

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